Pets provide so much joy in our lives. They help relieve stress and make us laugh with their silly shenanigans. Pet cats in particular also can benefit your child with autism/ADHD in several ways.

In the fall of 2023, we found three little kittens along a country road. We couldn’t leave them there, so we brough them home. We had not had a cat before because our son J and I am allergic to them. However, we fell in love with the little ones and decided to keep two of them after we found a forever home for one of them. Smoky and Nappy have brought so many benefits to my son J. Nappy especially has taken to him and always wants to be around him. Even our dogs adjusted to them quite quickly, which is a good thing!
So how do cats benefit a child with autism/ADHD? Here are five ways:
1. Provide connection
By spending time with their pet cat, children develop a connection with them. Many children with autism have a hard time connecting with others. Developing a connection with their pet cat can help them learn how to connect with other people too.
2. Teach empathy
Introducing a young cat to your child when they are young can teach them compassion and empathy. If your child helps care for the cat, then they can learn about the cat’s needs and better understand how people also have needs. This can increase their empathy and compassion for cats and the people in their lives.
3. Relieve anxiety
Let’s face it – we live in times when anxiety and stress are at high levels. Cats can help us relax and overcome our anxiety, and that is true for our kids on the spectrum. Research has found that kids with autism are relaxed by cuddling, holding and playing with cats. This has a calming effect for autistic children that eases anxiety and stress.
4. Provide unconditional love

Cats help our children with autism and ADHD by providing them with unconditional love. Cats are not concerned if your child has good social skills or can carry on a conversation. They love to be cared for and appreciated for who they are. Our kids can sense that and enjoy that love for them from their pets.
5. Increase social skills
Studies have found that cats can help autistic children improve their social skills. Cats can be a great conversation starter for children with autism and other people. They also can learn from the social nature of cats. Having and caring for a cat also increases a child’s confidence, which can play a role in their social interactions. Research also shows the development of positive relationships as the result of children interacting with their affectionate pet cats.
Which breed of cats benefit a child with autism?
According to studies, very affectionate breeds of cats are good companions for children who have autism. Some of those include Burmese, Ragdoll, Birman and Abyssinian.
Experts suggest adopting a young cat or kitten for your child if you decide a cat would be the best pet for your family. For more information about breeds of cats, check out this cat breed directory. You also can talk to a veterinarian or an expert with your local Humane Society or animal shelter.
Whether you and your family prefer cats, dogs or another pet for your family, interacting with animals can help your child. Does your family have a cat? How have you seen cats benefit a child with autism/ADHD? Leave a comment, so we can connect and support one another!