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Webinars, Podcasts & News

Check out the webinars, podcast interviews and news articles that have featured Autism & ADHD Connection.


Tamara Hull, certified financial education instructor, gave a free webinar for Autism Community Connection about autism and family finances at 6:30 p.m. ET on January 24, 2023. You can view the webinar here. You can download the slides here.


The Jackson Robol Show

I was honored to be featured on The Jackson Robol Show podcast. Jackson is a remarkable young adult with autism who began his podcast while he was still in high school and has continued it. Check out this episode for my discussion with Jackson about challenges and rewards that parents of autistic children go through on their journey.


Check out this article, “10 Smart Spending Strategies for the Holidays,” on that featured me as one of the financial experts who provides advice for how to save and spend for holidays.